• We adhere to the strictest levels of confidentiality throughout the “Cellular Transformation” practice. - see agreement here

  • My ability to read energy makes it safe. It is my deepest wish to support you in realizing your highest potential.

    I have cleared out good chunks of my closet to be a clear channel for the truth of Source. I know how to be vulnerable and constantly look to own my own shortcomings.

    It’s ultimately between you and Spirit. I am not invested in any specific outcome for your “story”, other than to co-create more love and light in your reality. I am here to listen deeply to the language of energy throughout the process and to allow Greater Intelligence to guide you into more expansion.

  • We ask that yo do not consume any alcohol or drugs for at least 4 days prior to your “Cellular Transformation” appointment, nor to enter the space whilst intoxicated or hung-over. Doing so numbs you to the full healing benefits that are possible. Thank you.

    No pen and paper needed in this process, this is about feeling and being present in the body.

  • Make sure to have a private space for your session that feels safe and supports authenticity, vulnerability and confidentiality. No other people or unruly children please.

    Make sure there is enough lighting in front of you to help with a good video connection.

  • Know that we are in this with you, whatever may show up, will be held with care.

    However, the energy in “Cellular Transformation” groups can be rather strong. If you feel ready to process intense feelings and emotions in self and others and if you’re courageous to adopt “beginner’s mind” in any situation, jump in the transformative fire with us!

  • The “Cellular Transformation” call & response technique is the only technique there is to this work: I will ask you to follow me in words out loud as we speak to the Creative Force of the Universe. Speaking out loud gets down into the body more quickly to access cellular memory and to spark the transformational healing process.

    There is something about the sound of our own voice resonating in the body that enhances the energy coming in from Source to clean out the layers of “World Mind”.

  • The Light usually starts unraveling and pushing on any pattern inside the body, mind and psyche that is not fully in alignment with Greater Intelligence. Often you will already feel a couple of days prior what’s coming out and ready to be dissolved: Feeling fear, numbness, heaviness, heightened aches and pains, a feeling of being “out of control” or “in a pressure cooker” are common.

    You may also feel what’s coming on the other side of the transformation: More love, more joy, more juiciness and excitement for life.

  • There is nothing you need to do to assist in the healing process other than to keep your body open with a straight neck and spine.

    At the beginning, I will ask you a bunch of questions to get a feeling for who you are and what is going on inside your body and emotions.

    It is very common to feel a whole lot of numbness going into the appointment. Resistance, control, anger or defense mechanisms of all sorts usually show up at some point as we bore down to the vulnerability, fear and pain that sits on top of all trauma.

    Expect a fluctuation in temperature, a feeling of contracting, then expanding, tingles, a buzzing sensation and cathartic releases: through tears, voice or also laughter.

    Your body is unique. These sensations may vary a bit for you.

  • At times, I may suggest “homework” to you to hone your own inner listening and train the mind to act upon what the energy says.

    The energy will continue to work with you for another couple of days (sometimes weeks), be gentle with yourself and take time to integrate where possible.

    Heightened sensitivity and exhaustion are the body’s call to take some space. Having no big heady meetings scheduled for a few days after is particularly beneficial.

    As your body gets clearer and expands on the inside, expect your body of affairs, your environment, to start mirroring the same shifts.